for Grill / 구이
The finest beef ribs are de-fatted and carefully hand-cut, so you can enjoy soft ribs. "Galbi" is the Korean word for "rib", and the dish is usually made with beef short ribs.Beef Short Ribs / Galbi is cut to expose one smooth bone along the short edge with the meat uniformly filleted in flat layers. The meat should easily fall from the bones. The marinade for Beef Short Ribs typically includes soy sauce , sugar, minced garlic and scallions , ginger juice, ground black pepper, toasted and ground sesame , and sesame oil .
탕, 찜/f for Boiled soup , Stew
Braised Short Ribs is Galbijjim, which is typically served on traditional holidays and special occasions in Korea. Traditionally, this dish is made with bone-in short ribs. It is Trim offed any thick layers of fat from the short rib, but do not remove the thin, tough skin that holds the ribs together.
구이, 찜/ Grill, Stew
LA 갈비는 뼈를 가로 질러 갈비뼈를 얇게 자르는 뼈의 옆면 컷입니다. 오븐에서 쉽게 굽거나 후라이팬에서 구울 수도 있습니다. 고기마을의 LA갈비는 소갈비중 가장 살이 많은 부분을 최대한 지방을 손질제거하여 갈비 본연의 맛을 느끼실 수 있습니다.달콤 짭짤한 간장양념 구이로 드시거나 바로 구워 소금만 뿌린 담백한 소금구이로 즐기실 수 있습니다.
LA Galbi is the flanken cut, for which the ribs are cut thin across the bones. you can easily broil them in the oven or pan-fry too. Meat World's LA ribs remove the fat as much as possible from the meaty part of beef ribs, so you can enjoy the original taste of ribs. You can eat it with sweet and salty soy sauce, or you can grill it immediately and enjoy it.
구이, 찜/ Grill, Stew
꽃살은 갈비살 중 가장 맛이 빼어나고 마블링이 많은 6번, 7번, 8번 갈비뼈 부위의 살코기 입니다. 마블링이 꽃처럼 아름답기 때문에 꽃살이라 불러요. 이 부위는 운동량이 거의 없는 근육들로 구성돼 있어 근내 지방의 축적이 매우 잘 이뤄져 있어 부드럽고 살살 녹아요.
Bottom Sirloin is the lean meat of the ribs No. 6, No. 7, and No. 8, which is the most delicious and has a lot of marbling. Because marbling is beautiful like a flower, it is called a flower meat in Korea. This part is made up of muscles with little exercise, so fat accumulation in the muscles is very well done.
탕, 찜/f for Boiled soup , Stew
Braised Short Ribs is Galbijjim, which is typically served on traditional holidays and special occasions in Korea. Traditionally, this dish is made with bone-in short ribs. It is Trim offed any thick layers of fat from the short rib, but do not remove the thin, tough skin that holds the ribs together.
구이용 / for Grill
Beef Oyster blade
The oyster blade is a muscle that sits just below the shoulder blade. It has a pure and chewy texture. It is juicy, and the fat is evenly distributed and the meat is tender and has a distinctive deep taste.It has a sinew running through it which becomes tender when cooked on a simmer. The meat is tender, it is often eaten for grilling. When you grill meat, you have to quicklyv grilling and eat it. Then you can feel the true taste.
The cattle graze on large areas and are well cared for. The focus lies on sustainability, and continuous research is conducted into the possibilities for further reducing the negative impact of the meat industry on the environment. Meat World's beef is very much in demand, thanks in part to its exceptionally high quality flavour, fat, texture, and colour and also because it is in constant supply.
구이용 / for Grill
The Outside Skirt is a special part about 7cm wide next to the tenderloin that connects the ribs and tenderloin. Opposite the Inside Skirt Steak, this cut is known for its robust flavor profile. It is a low production area that comes out about 2 pieces per cow. Enjoy the taste of beef ribs with a soft texture and crispy gravy. Outside Skirt does not need to be marinated and salt is all you need to season it.
구이용 / for Grill
The sirloin attached to the outer side of the rib can be divided into upper sirloin, ribeye, and lower sirloin. Among them, ribeye is a cut that is popular for grilling and steak due to its excellent juicy and flavor.
구이용 / for Grill
The Outside Skirt is a special part about 7cm wide next to the tenderloin that connects the ribs and tenderloin. Opposite the Inside Skirt Steak, this cut is known for its robust flavor profile. It is a low production area that comes out about 2 pieces per cow. Enjoy the taste of beef ribs with a soft texture and crispy gravy. Outside Skirt does not need to be marinated and salt is all you need to season it.
장조림 육개장
Brisket is a cut of meat from the breast or lower chest of beef. A cut of beef that needs to be cooked slowly to break down the connective tissues. The unique thing about this cut of beef is that it can be slow cooked so it's fork tender, yet is still sliceable. It also has a better beefy flavor compared to other slow cooking beef cuts.
구이용 요리용 / for Grill
Flank meat is a versatile part that can be used for both grilling and cooking. The meat and fat are dense with the same condensation, and the chewy taste is very good. If you want to experience the natural taste of beef with a little bit of saltiness and chewy umami, try it with grilled meat.
구이용 / for Grill
샤브샤브용 / for shabu shabu
탕, 국용 / for Soup
탕, 국용 / for Soup
탕, 국용/ for Soup
국 용 / for Grill
구이용 / for Grill
구이용 / for Grill
구이용 / for Grill
국용 / for Stew